Personail x Teggun Ashleigh

Personail x Teggun Ashleigh

Teggun met Alice, the founder and creative genius behind Personail at Finders Keepers a few years ago and was amazed by the incredible product she created! Not only did Teggun pitch her work to Alice, but not long after they were creating a collaboration of 5 different designs! 

It was an absolute privilege to work with Alice and see this collaboration come to life!

Galah's - Nail Polish Wrap


Iconic Aussie Food - Nail Polish Wrap


Seagulls Aussie Summer - Nail Polish Wrap


Aussie Florals - Nail Polish Wrap


Joyful Christmas - Nail Polish Wraps

Kind words from Alice: Working with Teggun on our limited edition nail wrap range was an absolute delight! The nail wraps are truly miniature masterpieces, bursting with such original and unique illustrations. Thank you, Teggun, for making this journey a remarkable one. I eagerly await our next creative adventure together!